Rumble Quest is a measure of childhood wellbeing.

Creative Development | Character Animation | Sound Design | Game Development | Branding | Web Applications | Database Development | Video Production

  • InVision was initially approached by the team at the Griffith University Criminology Institute and asked to rebuild an existing flash game called “Clowning Around” that had been developed as a tool to measure child wellbeing as part of an eight year research project in a number of schools in SE Queensland.

    In looking at the existing game, it became clear that simply rebuilding the game on a new technology platform was not going to position the product to help achieve the goal for scale deployment. More importantly, it was identified that there was tremendous scope to improve the student engagement and therefore the accuracy of the data being collected.

  • InVision worked closely with the team at the Griffith University to develop a completely new product, “Rumble’s Quest,” which built off the existing research foundation, but was totally reimagined for the future.

    The creative team at InVision worked hard to integrate the disparate scientific requirements of the measure – a 57 question survey, and 3 different executive function tests – into a single cohesive narrative, and embedded elements of gameplay to boost user engagement.

  • InVision then wrote and designed the game, animated, coded and tested it, and managed all aspects of the production including voice acting, music, and multi-platform versioning.

    The quality of InVision’s work was recognised in 2019 when Rumble’s Quest was selected as a finalist in the “Best Educational App” category of the ATOM Awards.

    A guiding principle for the project is empowering users, so a comprehensive Rumble’s Quest Manager web application was built to enable schools and agencies to manage their Rumble’s Quest deployment with a fully supported end-to-end customer journey, including providing instant access to their student wellbeing data once the collection phase was complete.

  • InVision also liaised directly with State Education Departments to manage the challenges of deploying Rumble’s Quest within their heavily managed IT environments, and continues to provide ongoing user and technical support for both the game and the related web platforms.

    The Rumble’s Quest game and Manager are small pieces in a large jigsaw puzzle of related resources, programs, and websites that InVision has been proud to deliver as a key partner in the work of RealWell and the Griffith Criminology Institute.

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What our clients said about us

“My colleagues and I from the Creating Pathways project have worked with InVision over a number of years in a positive and productive partnership to develop digital tools to measure and support the wellbeing of children and those who foster their development.

Over that entire period, it has been a genuine pleasure to work with such a caring and committed group who share our own vision to promote child and family wellbeing.

When we started our foray into the development of electronic resources for schools and other frontline service providers, we couldn’t have imagined where we’d end up. The team at InVision have helped us to unpack our needs and guide us on a journey of exciting ideas – with a clear plan for achieving them. Their creativity and experience have made Rumble’s Quest a world-class product that we are so proud of.

We continue to work with InVision to this day, and wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone – especially other university and government-based organisations looking for active, thoughtful partners to help them imagine and deliver large creative media projects.”

Dr Kate Freiberg
Principal Research Fellow, Griffith University