Pac Ma’am is a retro arcade video game.

Creative Concept | Game Development | Back-end Support

  • InVision was approached by Queensland State Archives to develop ideas for increasing audience engagement with archive materials.

    The InVision team worked closely with QSA to develop a variety of comprehensive options and came to settle on an interactive game inspired by Pac Man.


  • Technical work included converting 10 architectural plans (from the archive) into multiple Pac Man influenced game levels, and designing and coding multi-level player missions, which were installed on an upright arcade cabinet.

    Fun sound effects and music were added to create an endearing 19th century style mash-up of pop culture and history.

    The art aesthetic of the game also combined contemporary 2018 meme culture with retro 1980’s iconography to create a game that was appealing to both parents and their children, addressing the client’s goal of making history accessible to families.

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What our clients said about us

“I love pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in using cultural collections, and the InVision team is perfect for nutting out engaging solutions.

I was after a contemporary arcade game that used 19th century architectural plans but InVision wanted to know more than the product, they wanted to understand the vision of the project so they could really nail it.

And they did. Pac Ma’am is a contemporary twist on a classic game, demonstrating how archival material can be used in creative ways and we’ve had people of all ages having fun playing it.”

Phil Manning
Senior Curator
Queensland State Archives

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